Canine Kisses – Chapter 29


Canine Kisses – Chapter 29

It was a beautiful May morning for the wedding of Kaybri Lynn and Noah Stoltzfus at the Stoltzfus Farm. The joyous event was attended by hundreds. Cars were parked for a mile in every direction. Young boys and girls were assigned to tend the hundred or so horses and buggies that assembled on a newly harvested field near the barn. Spare bedrooms in Amish homes were hard to find as friends and relatives drove their buggies for days to reach the Stoltzfus Farm.


Canine Kisses – Chapter 28


Canine Kisses – Chapter 28

When Kaybri told Teri about the project, she pitched it as a way for Teri to help both dogs and humans at the same time. But Teri didn’t need to be convinced. “It’s perfect,” Teri said. “I love this idea. And with my experience running a nonprofit, I think I can pull this together pretty easily.”


Canine Kisses – Chapter 27


Canine Kisses – Chapter 27

On a Sunday morning in June, Kaybri woke up to a phone call from Noah, who told her that Phoenix was ready to have her puppies. He politely requested that Kaybri come to the farm and

be present in case of any problems with the births. He explained that it meant a lot to him and his father that their first puppies be as healthy and happy as possible.


Canine Kisses – Chapter 26


Canine Kisses – Chapter 26

Kaybri thought about the one thing that always calmed her down when she was agitated. It had always been the dogs.

“Would you like to meet Phoenix?” Kaybri motioned with her arm for the group to follow her to the dog’s kennel.


Canine Kisses – Chapter 25


Canine Kisses – Chapter 25

A ding from her phone woke Kaybri up just before the alarm was supposed to go off. She was exhausted after having examined and transported thirty dogs to the Stoltzfus Farm the previous day. When she saw it was a text from Noah, she immediately became wide awake.


Canine Kisses – Chapter 24


Canine Kisses – Chapter 24

After what Noah said to her, Kaybri didn’t try to contact him that night.

The next day, Noah didn’t come into the clinic. Autumn said he called and wanted Kaybri to replace him. Autumn said that she didn’t know whether he meant temporarily or permanently.


Canine Kisses – Chapter 23


Canine Kisses – Chapter 23

Kaybri couldn’t fall sleep that night. She was angry at everyone and at the same time filled with self-doubt. She started to question whether she should even bother going into the clinic the next day. It wasn’t really her practice—it still belonged to Frank. And he was threatening to throw her out.


Canine Kisses – Chapter 22


Canine Kisses – Chapter 22

The council expected that surprises would come from teenagers during their Rumspringa. Thomas Stoltzfus, however, was a respected elder of the community. His family had been farming in Lancaster County forever, and never in the family’s history had there been a serious violation of the community’s rules. Until this day. 


Canine Kisses – Chapter 21


Canine Kisses – Chapter 21

Two days later, Kaybri received an urgent call from Judge Thompson’s bailiff. She needed to appear in court at ten o’clock. Kaybri had no time to change into business attire, so she threw a coat over her scrubs and walked the four blocks to the courthouse.


Canine Kisses – Chapter 20


Canine Kisses – Chapter 20

Teri McGee was in a grim mood when she arrived at the clinic at seven on Sunday morning. 

“I don’t really see what we’re going to accomplish today,” she said as she climbed into Kaybri’s truck.  


Canine Kisses – Chapter 19


Canine Kisses – Chapter 19

Teri grudgingly agreed to meet Kaybri Sunday morning. After she left, Kaybri checked in with Noah. She found him in the yard behind the clinic playing with the collie they had rescued from the pet store.  

     “How is she?” Kaybri asked. 

     “She’s going to make it. We also dodged the bullet with the other dogs. None of the rescued dogs have parvo. It’s almost a miracle.” 


Canine Kisses – Chapter 18


Canine Kisses – Chapter 18

Kaybri ignored the whistles and compliments that the staff sent in her direction when she entered the clinic wearing her business attire. She couldn’t wait to change back into her jeans and flannel shirt and trade the patent-leather pumps for sneakers. 


Canine Kisses – Chapter 17


Canine Kisses – Chapter 17

Noah entered Kaybri’s office and handed her a packet of papers. He could see Kaybri’s face darken with each page she read. “Who has a lawyer who can file a suit with the courts that fast?” Kaybri couldn’t keep the exasperation out of her voice. 


Canine Kisses – Chapter 16


Canine Kisses – Chapter 16

Two weeks after the barn was evacuated, Kaybri received a visitor.  

Kaybri had heard all about Teri McGee and her organization Helping Every Dog (HED) from Frank, who had banned Teri from the clinic. It wasn’t that Frank disagreed with her. He had a distaste…


Canine Kisses – Chapter 15


Canine Kisses – Chapter 15

“Keep your eyes on your work,” Noah would quietly remind Kaybri as one dog after another was extracted from its wooden cage. Since most of them were too weak to walk, they were put on a litter and brought to her. After living their entire lives in a confined space, the dogs’ muscles had atrophied.  


Canine Kisses – Chapter 14


Canine Kisses – Chapter 14

Kaybri wept from the time they left the farm until they reached the Stevenses’ home. Every few miles, she’d erupt in anger and slam the steering wheel with her hands. Frank and Dorothy who were sitting next to her worried if they would all make it safely home. 


Canine Kisses – Chapter 13


Canine Kisses – Chapter 13

The large rectangular dinner table was set for twenty-two people. The children were dispersed at smaller tables placed wherever there was an open space on the main level of the house. Thomas Stoltzfus sat at one end of the adults’ table, and Noah’s mother Elizabeth sat at the other, but she quickly…


Canine Kisses – Chapter 12


Canine Kisses – Chapter 12

Sunday afternoon, Kaybri drove the truck to pick up Frank, Dorothy, and Noah. When Kaybri knocked at their door, Dorothy pulled her enthusiastically into the house and then into her bedroom.


Canine Kisses – Chapter 11


Canine Kisses – Chapter 11

Noah woke Kaybri, who was asleep in her office and put a note in her hand. It took a minute for her eyes to focus.  

     Your father wants to see you. And bring the girl vet. Love, Mom 


Canine Kisses – Chapter 10


Canine Kisses – Chapter 10

As they drove away from the farm, Kaybri kept glancing to her right to watch Noah as he wrapped his hand with a bandanna and tied the ends to stem the bleeding. Kaybri, seeing the blood flow through the cloth, pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the truck.  
