You’re The Devil

by Roger Arsht

Read previous episodes here.


       Annie walked with purpose from her car, onto the elevator, and then to her office on the seventh floor. Even though it was a warm morning, Annie had her trench coat wrapped tightly around her, and her sunglasses and the expression on her face told anyone who saw her to go a different direction. Normally on a Monday morning she would check her emails and text messages before getting herself a cup of coffee from the break room. Instead, she dropped her briefcase, coat, and glasses on her desk and headed to Brooke Marshall’s office. A mischievous smile was spread across her colleague’s face as Annie swept into her office. 


       Annie shook her head and rolled her eyes upward. “It wasn’t for me.” 


       “Seriously. Instead of an evening cruise, the blonde writer with green eyes decided that I should stay with him on his boat. His big boat, until Sunday. On Saturday morning I told him I wanted to go back.” 


       “That’s right. We both went on a date with the same man. There are no other men. Secrets Kept is a dating service for one man.” 

       Brooke sat silently for a moment. She was less upset than what Annie expected. “Yes…that’s strange. But it is a wonderful boat and Bertie is a super host.” 

       “That doesn’t bother you. We might have slept with the same man.” 

       Annie had seen the smile on Brooke’s face before. It was an expression that said I know something you don’t. “You surprise me. You’re also naïve. I date men all the time and I don’t know if they’ve slept with four women that week or one earlier in the day. I hope neither of those happen. We have no control over what men do when we’re dating, later in the relationship,  or even if we marry them.” 

       “That’s not my point. I felt like I was being managed. He scripted his fantasy. I felt like I was part of the cast. He didn’t need me. He could have had thousands of women play my role.”  

       “But he didn’t choose one of those thousands of other women. He chose you. I don’t think this is a game for him. I believe he carefully chooses the women he dates. He curates everything in his life – including you and me.” Annie was speechless. It was clear that Brooke had made a point that Annie had missed. “You made it through dinner, walked to the yacht, went to sea, stayed the night, and then you decided to leave? Why would you do that? You made it further than I did.” 

       “It’s not a contest. I also didn’t appreciate walking on city streets barefoot. I couldn’t walk in the shoes I wore. There could have been broken glass, syringes, or dog shit. If I were going to be at sea for a couple of days, I would have packed a bag, brought my makeup, my own toothbrush...” 

       “Inconsiderate…yes. Unbearable…no. We’ve both taken the walk of shame when we returned home in the morning after a date in the same clothing. I understand your preference for your own swimsuit. I feel the same way. I admit that was creepy. He could manage that better, but you had already passed the first and second tests.” 

       “I don’t like tests. I’m not auditioning for a role.” 

       “Come on. A little fantasy never hurt anyone. Dinner at that restaurant is the first hurdle. He could easily do Friday night’s dinner on Secrets Kept. The restaurant gives him a chance to see if he wants to invite you aboard.” 

       “And the second test?”  

       “You…spent the night.” 

       “I spent the night, but we didn’t do anything. I drank too much and fell asleep.” 

       “You poor thing. Were you sick?” 

       “No. We were in the spa. The warm water and the champagne relaxed me. I stood up and climbed out of the spa. He helped me wrap myself in my bathrobe and then I laid down on one of the chaise lounges. I remember he sat down next to me and leaned in for a kiss. I think that’s where I slipped off to sleep.” Annie paused for a second and then exclaimed, “Oh shit.” 


       “I must have been so deep in sleep that I resembled a dead person. I don’t even remember being carried to bed or anything. How embarrassing is that? I’ve never completely passed out on a date before,” Annie proclaimed as she rested her hand against her forehead. You don’t think he put something in my drink.” 

       “No I don’t think he did that. I don’t think you realize how stressed and tired you are from this job. It sounds like you needed to relax. I’m sure it’s fine that you fell asleep.” Brooke had the same smile on her face when she had returned from her time with Bertie. “By the way, how did you like that bathrobe?” 

       “It was amazing.” 

       “It’s not amazing. It’s luscious.” For Annie’s benefit, Brooke feigned more excitement than she felt. “They come from Sweden.” Brooke pressed a few keys on her laptop before turning the screen towards Annie. “I have one on order. Let’s get a cup of coffee. I want to hear more.” 

       The machine dispensed two cups of coffee. ‘Hot’ was the coffee’s best quality. The two women gave each other a knowing look, smiled, shook their heads, and sighed.  

       “I don’t know, and I don’t care how much Bertie’s coffee machine costs. We must get one for the office,” Brooke said with real sadness in her voice.  

       Annie nodded in agreement. 

       Once they returned to Brooke’s office, the post-mortem continued. “So, what happened Saturday?” Brooke asked. 

       “I woke up. Then we talked. He told me how he cherishes his privacy.” 

       “Something he said convinced you to leave?” 

       Annie closed her eyes momentarily. She wanted to recall the conversation accurately. “I asked him how many women he has hosted.” 

       “Why would you do that? He told you how important confidentiality is to him.” 

       “Telling me who was there or what they did is different than telling me how many women he has hosted. I don’t like the whole secrets kept thing.” 

       “I agree. It’s strange. I don’t think he means any harm by it. If anything, he’s a little delusional. It’s a nice delusion.” 

       “You weren’t scared being miles from shore with two men you knew nothing about? There could have been more people on the yacht that you didn’t know were there.” 

       “You make a good point. Frankly, I’m scared every time I go on a first, second, even a third date with a guy. I sometimes feel trapped when I’m in his car or apartment. Being trapped on a luxurious yacht with a very handsome man is something I can bear.” 

       “Isn’t it weird that we’re talking about being with the same man? He controls everything. He decides who he invites aboard. He gives us clothes to wear. I would have brought my own swimsuit if I knew what he had planned.” 

       “It was fun, Annie. Admit it. We both liked the mystery and the intrigue. Would you have preferred another cheap dinner, and then awkward sex where the guy tries too hard to impress or he doesn’t try at all?” 

       Annie bit her lip. “How was it?” 

       “I thought you’d never ask.” Brooke took a deep breath. She found the conversation awkward, even if she was eager to share with her friend. “Gentle. Patient. Hmmm…. Competent. Very competent. Solicitous. He wants to know that…the experience…is pleasurable.” 

       This time it was Annie’s turn to laugh. “Are we talking about a lover or an accountant?” 

       Brooke’s expression changed. “I’m trying to be careful. I don’t want your expectations too high. You might go back.” 

       “There’s something you’re not telling me. You’re being too cagey.” 

       “We didn’t have sex. We ate dinner at Quincy’s Grille. We talked. We drank and spent a few hours in the spa. Then he went to his bedroom and I went to mine.” 

       “You told just told me…” 

       “I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you the truth. I was embarrassed that I was on this incredible yacht with an attractive guy…and well…he walked away. I didn’t know you would be with the same man when I embellished my story.” Annie apologized again before asking her next question, “Do you think there’s any chance you’ll be invited back?”  

       “I don’t think so. I don’t think he would have me back. I…uh…questioned his intentions. I called him a player or a gigolo. One of those.” 

       Brooke laughed. “He might be a player. He’s not a gigolo. We don’t have to give him money. More accurately, he’s a very polished…carnival barker. He’s created a side-show that’s incredibly appealing. But think about this. How many times do we go out on a date and the guy has an expectation that he’s entitled to something in exchange for dinner and two drinks? Bertie leaves it up to us. I find that attractive. I don’t remember the last time I was so relaxed without smoking a joint or drinking too much so I could blur reality.” 

       “It doesn’t matter. I won’t be invited back.” 

       “Don’t be too sure. I was invited to come this weekend. I’m not going.” 

       “Really? You had a good time.” 

       “I met someone. I want to see where it goes.” Annie could see that Brooke had become serious. “Bertie isn’t going to commit to anyone. Visiting Bertie is like going to an expensive resort. It’s special and refreshing, but you can’t go every day.” 

       “I don’t know if I want another chance.” 

       “I’m going to call him in a few minutes. I’m going to decline his invitation and suggest that he call you. I’ll tell him that you feel terrible and you want a second chance.”  

       “But that’s not how I feel. Won’t he be suspicious that we discussed our experiences with each other?” 

       “There’s no rules about that. He can’t control what we talk about. We’re not bound by his silly rules.” 

       “I don’t know.” 

       “Wait to see if he calls you. You can always tell him 'no.' He did say something to me about riding horses. I know you adore horseback riding.” 

       Annie glanced at her watch. “I’ve got to get to my desk.” As she was leaving Brooke’s office, she turned back. “Thanks.” 

       “And I think this time you can bring your own clothes, swimsuit, makeup, and toothbrush.” 

       “I’ll think about it.” 

       “Don’t forget about the good coffee and the bathrobe.” 

       “You’re the devil.” Annie said with a smile. 


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